Wednesday, February 3, 2010


1)Name:SECRETT :)
2)Age:same like me.AHHA.
3)Birthday:16 of february i think :)
4)How long have you known this person?:long ago.since baby maybe larh :0
5)Are you related?:no comment.
6)Where does this person live?:bandar baru uda :)
7)How often do you see them?:HAHA.last time i saw him time rya hin car :)
8)When was the last time you talked on the phone?:21st december :
9)On Myspace?:last january.
10)On ym?:he dont have ym i think :)
11)How did you meet this person:belum jumpe ponn.x akan kott :)
12)Are you best friends?:maybe yes or maybe nope =)
13)When will you see this person next?:dont know !

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