Tuesday, February 2, 2010

surveys =)

Where was I born? =specialist,jb
What is my birthday? =24august1994
What is my two favorite colors? =blue andd blue
Out of all my guy friends whi am I closest to? =apiz kott
Out of all my guy friends who do I think is the cutest? =ahha :) him kott
Out of all of my friends who do I look up to? =entah :)
Who is my closest friend who is a girl? =gbs kuhh :)
How many bfs have I had in the past? =10 maybe.HAHA
Who do I have a crush on now? =xde kott
who was my longest relationship with? =x ingatlhh :)
How old am I? =still young.16 y/o
How many siblings do I have? =4 include me
Who is my favorite actor? =taylor lautner ofc !
What is my favoirte artist? =mama.HAHA
Out of all the shoe companies what is my favorite? =xtaulhhh!
What i smy favrite type of food? =rice ofc lhh!
What's my favorite song by the Fallout Boy? =pergi by aizat :)
What is the one thing that bothers me the most? =ntah lh.
What day was my b-day this year? (u can look @ a calendar)=tuesdayy!
What skool do I go 2? =smk seta
What grade am I in? =xphm soaln :)
What is my favorite sport? =football !
Who is my favorite athelete? (could be any sport) =aidil zafuan/zaquan adha.HAHA
Who is my beSt friend who is a girl? =TOPFRIENDS who is a girls
Who is my best guy friend? =dont knowlh :)
Who did I almost go out with? =family!
What is my favorite subject in skool? =bahasa melayu :)
What kind of cell phone do I have? =sony ericson/nokia
What is my dream cell phone? = iphone 3gs
What is my dream car? =jaguar :)
What is my hobby? =STUDYY haha PUNDEKKK!
What is my borther's name? =FERHAT and JIBRAIL
What is my sister's name? =IMAN NATASHA SOFEA
Am I twins with my brother? =totally nope :)
How many guys that have the name of Matt do I know? =dont know kott :
What color are my eyes? =black kott
What is my favorite drink? =air zam zam :)
What is my favorite energy drink? =air zam zam
Did I ever get hald back in a grade? =nope :)
Is my birthday before or after Christmas? =after christmas last year .
Who are my three favorite people to hang out with? =gbs,family,cousins :)

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